Thursday, June 16, 2011

puzzling good times

the last time the kids played their loot of puzzles was many, many, MANY moons ago.
that's why when chloe suddenly asked me to bring out the box of puzzles, i was both surprised and happy that she still remembers this activity which she loved so much previously.

this time round, gaby tries his hands on them... but still unable to understand which parts of the puzzles goes where. and soon was out of patience and decided to 'destroy' all those that chloe had completed. oh boys...

happy to play with her puzzles again... look at that face!

gimme some time okie... i'll eventually know how to do it!

trying to rebuild the puzzles by NOT looking at the picture on the cover... as if that's possible! :)

our little conversation while she played her puzzle, where she negotiated for her bday pressies!

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