Monday, May 09, 2011

Gaby at 25 Months

Gaby is 25 months old today.

Based on his 2 year old assessment 2 weeks back at the polyclinic:
* wt gain in the 25 percentile, currently at 11.4kg
* height is in the 75 percentile, 89cm
*physical and mental development is slightly above agerage - no wonder he's so ACTIVE (which i thought he was just being so....."Naughty" at this stage!)

and despite him not being able to communicate as well as his sister at this age, he is surely learning fast. i have to give credit to the DVDs which i got him hooked, and along the way, learn to read and verbalize quite a number of the single words.

what he has learnt and able to pronounce/communicate:
1) Alphabet - he can recognize and read out ALL the letters and point them out correct.
2) Numbers - recognize 1 to 10, able to recite them out as well, except for "SEVEN", which he pronounced as "FA FAA". He can also say "Twleve", "Thirtheen" and "Fourteen".
3) Shapes - Circle, Triangle, Square, Octagon, Oval, Star
4) Colors - Black, White, Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Red, Pink, Yellow, Purple
5) Bodyparts - hair, head, face, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, teeth, neck, shoulders, knees, legs, fingers, toes, bellybutton, tummy, buttock.

His often-said phrase which starts with 'i wan...'
1) fo fon (he wants either mine or daddy's handphone)
2) star star (he wants to watch Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on Youtube)
3) ABBC (he wants to watch the PreSchool Prep DVDs)
4) WOW (one of the nursery rhymes/karaoke DVD collection)
5) shoo shoo gai gai (wear shoes and go out of the house)
6) dee dee (take the ez-link card and tap on it when we board the bus)
7) eat/bes (biscuits)/dwink (drink)/ah gu (yakult)/ah ter (water)

*he is loving, loves to smile/laugh but equally loves to seek attention.
*this usually led to a lot of unhappiness as he tends to 'bully' his way to get noticed, especially by pushing chloe or pulling her hair (till a few strains came off! No Joke!)
*his pain threshold is strong - he's not scared of getting corporal punishment, either physical or use of the rotan. but often i will use my hand/palm and whack him on his hands (esp when he beat, scratch, push or pull hair) or thighs/legs (if he purposely step or jump on the ground when he's pissed with something). Usually i am the one who felt the after-pain while all he does is just keep quiet. sigh...
*makes funny faces and roll his eyes, thinks everything is FUNNY when it's not (end up kena scolding/whacked again!)
*and of course, his other Number ONE catch-phrase : "NO".

We do plan to send him to nursery soon - so that he will have a wider opportunity to interact with other children, to learn to be more disciplined (in that kind of group environment) and have more than just ONE care-giver giving him the proper guidance.

Soon... soon... soon...

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