Friday, November 08, 2013

Sugar... Colored Sugar!

I always wanted to do this but didn't have the time.
Found the tutorials online and it is oh so easy... easy peasy, lemon squeezy is what Little Missy will say. :D

So while the kids are engrossed with the telly, i decided to just get this done and over with.

All you need for this mini project:
1. One cup of caster sugar
2. Food coloring - either gel or liquid form.

As I only have liquid form, I just used 2 droplets.

Most of the tutorials you'll see will ask you to use ziplock bag.
For my case, I just pour one cup of caster sugar into a small tupperware container, use 2 droplets of red coloring, close the lid and proceed to just shake, shake, shake them all through.

Once you open up the container... tada.... you get colored sugar!
All done under 10mins.  And I now wonder who else will go and pay $5 for colored sugar? wahahahahaa....

Here's the result... more to come next time! :)

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