Tuesday, January 04, 2011

all lined up and waiting to be...

pushed off the edge of the coffee-table... sometimes from the sofa and sometimes from the bed! that's the way gaby likes to see all his favourite four-wheels living dangerously on the edge! and he likes hearing the noisy cling-clang-clong-wham-ka-boom that follows after the cars drop onto the floor... probably his way of learning about cause-and-effect in 3D! (can touch, see and hear mah...)

daddy was a little worry about gaby playing with chloe's girly toys initially - the dolls, pushing the baby in the pram, playing masak-masak (pretend cooking) or getting all jumpy and excited when watching all the princess-related dvds with chloe...

but boys WILL be boys... just look at how he plays with his toys and his temper, it's 101% confirmed that this BOY will be quite a tough cookie when he grows up... err... i mean, tough hunk! :)

little hunk lining up his cars while snacking on cereal.

and after this... the four-wheelies are going for a nose-dive again... oh dear!

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