Monday, November 15, 2010

quitting is never easy

it's never easy to quit, especially something that has been part of our life for the longest time - and it's a whole new change for a kid who grew up with a pacy almost permanently stuck to her mouth.

but as chloe turned 3, we decided that it was time for her to let go of her pacy-sucking habit; which we have prep her for almost a month (prior to her birthday). and it was the perfect timing last nite - she had not been feeling well, requested for her pacy to self-soothe and before bedtime, had vomitted all over the bed, pillows, herself and the floor (it was messy!).

after the major clean up and finally putting her back to bed, we told her no more pacy as it was so dirty that daddy had to throw it into the washing machine to clean it. she was very reluctant but gave in as she was a little scared of daddy (as daddy had reprimanded her earlier on) and managed to dozed off. but in between, she woke up at least 3 times looking for it, asking me to help look for it but i told her no more pacy. she whined a little but went back to sleep.

it's just the 1st nite without pacy... and we're keeping our fingers crossed for the next few nights where we do expect her to have her cry/whinefest for not having her pacy. but this is just something that we have to do for her, and for this phase of her growing up to pass, even if she has to learn it the hard way.

then again - life is all about learning. and sometimes, un-learning too.

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