Thursday, April 15, 2010

chloe's masterpiece

both daddy & mommy had separate dinner appointments tonite so decided to just let chloe stay home today instead of going to childcare. chloe stayed up and waited for mommy to come back around 9pm to tuck her into bed... spent about 30mins chatting/playing and another 15mins before she finally zonked out.

then when mommy was about to go for her bath, daddy stopped her half way to see chloe's surprised masterpiece done ALL by herself today.


hmm... finally some improvements in her artistic skills with a little more area being covered, with new abilities to draw CIRCULAR lines, ZIGZAG lines, longer VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL lines and also putting quite a bit of longer DOTS, DOTS, DOTS... mommy thought that chloe probably wanted to draw an alligator as she's been smittened by one of pictures in 'the little princess stories' series.

but wait! guess where she decided to do up her masterpiece?


on our living room sofa.

the smeared portion is the effort of mommy's hard scrubbing thereafter... and NO, the stains are still there! Argh............

if anyone has any effective solutions to remove ink from PVC leather - PLEASE let mommy know!!!

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

How about alcohol? I used a few of the alcohol swipes for the ink mark on my bedsheet that my friend accidentally drawn and it disappeared.

Let me know if it works. :)