Monday, April 13, 2009

our easter started today...

when the hospital called and gave us the good news that baby G can be discharged this afternoon. finally we are able to bring our precious son back to our humble home...

baby G was still sleeping when we arrived outside the babies ward.

but it took only a moment for him to wake up, and was crying when he heard our voices - as if he was trying to tell he was upset that we left him alone in the hospital...

gaby : "so you both finally came to pick me up huh? better make it a quick one then!" grrrrr....

but after some cooing and tender loving care, he suddenly gave us a smile! (ok, it's just one of their natural reflex but it came at the right moment!) that mega-smile melted both our hearts...
finally in mommy's arms...

i breastfed him, changed him and then we did the necessary outpatient process with the nurse and off we're on our way home.

with daddy outside the ward...
gaby: "Asta la vista, ward 54A...."

enjoying every second/minute of this journey home...

yes indeed, it was easter in our hearts today - a day we rejoiced and was glad.
for our precious son is well and home with us...


Kiros & Kicia said...

Baby G is so lovely.

Chloe said...

congrates on your new born! Baby G is so cute!

Chloe & the folks